Chorizo Blanco is one of the lightest, mildest flavors of the Dona Juana chorizos. Plays well with others. 4 oz.


GB003  This great earthenware cazuela from Spain includes bowtie paste, smoked olives and ragu bolognese $95.

GB006  Expose your friends and loved ones to a Taste Of Spain this season. Included are a paella pan, rice, chorizo, jamon serrano, olive oil, olives, paprika. saffron, sweet red piquillo peppers and the West Coast Flavor recipe for amazing paella $120.

Fermin acorn-fed 100 percent Iberico Dry Cured Loin 2.0 oz. $16.00.

Sliced Palacios spicy chorizo 3.5 oz. $9.50.

Charcuterie from Spain

GB002 Saba, a sweetener from Italy, Volo Chocolate from Sonoma County, chocolate hazelnut topping and two preserves from Italy $90.

These 4 oz, packs of Dona Juana chorizos are perfect for enter-taining, making great sandwiches, includ-ing in a paella or wrapping around a little cube of cheese.


Fully cooked picante chorizo from Palacios. Great to include in a paella or to slice and have as an appetizer. $11.25  7.9 oz.

Dona Juana jamon serrano domestic. 4 oz. $9.50

Acorn fed 100 percent Iberico Ham Shoulder Bone-in ham by Marcos Salamanca $425.00.

For a full retail price list, email

Fermin Iberico Grain-Fed ham is another star to cast on your charcuterie board. 2 oz.


Cantimpalo also sports a healthy amount of paprika and shines on charcuterie trays and on sandwiches. 4 oz.


Iberico Chorizo includes the great flavor of Spanish Paprika and packs a deep rich flavor. 2oz.


GB005  Iberian seafood sampler. Crab pate, trout pate, white tuna filets two flavors of sardines and a ceramic sardine (don't try to eat it) $80.

Sliced Palacios mild chorizo 3.5 oz. $9.50.

Pamplona is season-ed with smoky Spanish Paprika. You will always want to keep some of it in your frig. 4 oz.


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for The Holidays

Iberico Salchicon has less seasoning and blends well with cheeses. 2 oz.


By popular demand, we have added a retail element to our business. Our new showroom at 1007-C  W. Grove Ave. in Orange has proven to be an ideal place for small gatherings to sample new products. To order, call 714-744-9844 or email

GB001 Great chocolate from California, Spain and Italy $85.

Fully cooked regular chorizo by Palacios. $11.25  7.9 oz.

Cinco Jotas is one of the best jamon seranos from Spain. It is the ultimate compliment to your guests. 1.5 oz.


GB004  Great oval cazuela filled with pasta, sauce, truffle balsamic and Italian olive oil $115.